Friday, March 12, 1999

The City Has Sex

The Emptiest City attempted to appear before me again today.

I was walking away from the grocery store, which was only a block away from the house, when the brick, four story buildings hunching over me suddenly morphed into skyscraper, steel buildings, standing tall above me. The concrete around me collides as the streets morph with the city; the cars all slide into some unknown location. The scenery stretches out all around me.

As I am watching this, memories of Arienette and I discussing our loneliness melts through my mind, and underneath these memories, Padriac lurks. I gag, and fall to the street, coughing and crying and spilling all my groceries everywhere in the street. The city buildings are bending down, and I knew then, that they were going to crush me. They wanted me dead.

I was ready to give up...just ready to say goodbye. But then the memory of Arienette fully swallows Padriac, and almost comforts me; Arienette is whispering to me in her soft, sweet voice...we talk about how lonely we were before meeting each other...I finally tell someone about how I was a -Key-.

I'm a weapon. I'm a tool. I'm something to be used. I'm disposable.
(or at least, I thought so back then)
I was a liar, and I was also lied to, as Arienette showed me.

I was a dog to the leaders in the Agency.
But to her, I was no slave, I was a human being, with my own choice on how I wanted to live my life.
Who said they could tell me what to do? They did? Well, fuck them, as she had said.

And as the buildings wrapped around me, twisting and threatening to crush me at any second, I recalled Arienette, and how we had wrapped around each other, and how we had twisted that night. I was, for a second, no longer cold or lonely.

I somehow found an opening, and jumped through it. I'm suddenly in my house.

My first thought was: Why did The Emptiest City let me go?

I try not to think about the second option; it didn't let me go...I escaped, due to outside intervention. I'm afraid of that answer...who's watching me? Who has the power to do that?

There's a third option; I tapped into my Key's power, and unlocked a door, and escaped myself. But that...that worries me far more than the other options....

And now I'm here, in the basement to this house....playing a few songs. And thinking.            
"I need something I want to be close to
And I scream, but I still don't know why I do it
Because the sound never stays, it just swells and decays
So what is the point? Why try to fight what is now so certain?"